Showing posts with label Guild project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Guild project. Show all posts

21 August 2013

Little Sawtooth Stars

You might remember that in May I blogged about our guild project which we are to have completed by the November meeting.  You can read about it here to see the instructions which we were given.  We will be overseas on our exciting and long awaited cruise on the Queen Elizabeth in October, arriving home mid October so I thought I had better get my piece done as it might be a tad difficult to get into it as soon as we arrive home!

I chose to do these little Sawtooth Stars with the tiny pieces cut between 1¼ and 2 inches square and then pieced together to form the star pattern in colours that would tone with our given border fabric.

Sawtooth Stars

I think the colours blend quite well and the finished piece measures 22 inches (56cm) square.  There was not enough border fabric over to do the binding so I chose one of the fabrics from one of the stars.

I quilted it in an all over feather pattern perhaps better seen from the back.

This is my first project with the Golden Gate Quilters Guild, so now back to planning our itinerary....
Thank you for visiting!

Happy quilting,

29 May 2013

Guild Project

Decisions, decisions!  We received a ¼ meter of quilt fabric at our last guild meeting with very clear instructions.

Fabric to be used in border


1.   Use scraps no larger than 2 inches.
2.   Use your piece of fabric for the border.
3.   Finished project no smaller than 50cm x 50cm and no larger
      than 70cm x 70cm.  (Roughly 20" and 27½")
4.   Project to be shown at November meeting.
5.   R50 fine if project is not completed.

2 inch pieces!  Oh my goodness, this is going to take some time I suspect.  So out with some samples of fabric to use.  

Amafu hand dyed fabric

I could keep it plain with some hand dyed fabric.

Grand Finale

I could use a charm pack,  Grand Finale by Sandy Gervais for Moda, or....

Urban Couture

another charm pack I have, Urban Couture by Basic Grey for Moda.  I have two each of these charm packs cut into 4 would give me finished pieces of 2 inches but I doubt that I would have to use two charm packs if I also use a plain cream as well.

HSTs could work, hexies could work or umm.... I'll have to spend some time planning.  

Thank you for dropping by and any suggestions would be most welcome!

Happy quilting,