Showing posts with label Quilt Teachers Accreditation Course. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quilt Teachers Accreditation Course. Show all posts

10 August 2016

Second Post of 2016!

Eish, I'm really not a great blogger so it seems.  My excuse is that I am studying at the moment - doing the Quilt Teachers Accreditation Course - and writing assignments is really stretching my brain and my nerves!  I've now completed my second round of written assignments and am busy with the two practicals, machine applique and hand applique.

Apologies to my followers but will try and blog a little more often.  I'm preparing for a fabric postcard talk and demo for guild on Friday.  Here's what I made today.

 There is a tutorial for making Fabric Postcards under "Tutorials" on my blog. 

Happy quilting,