Hubby and I spent a wonderful day at the Bloemfontein Quilt Festival wandering around looking at the exhibition of 270 beautifully made quilts submitted in various categories.
The category I chose for mine was "Traditional - Large" being over 150cm square. It is my Chocolat et Créme which you have probably seen before on my blog. I pieced it in a design which left me with a lot of negative space allowing me to express my passion in free motion quilting. I know that it was not perfect as there were one or two areas where I found that I had too much fabric over which to quilt, therefore forming a crease. But I've learned my lesson - stitch in the ditch ESS - EVERY STINKING SEAM; Peggy Martin's advice in a tutorial I did on Craftsy. Had I done that, my mishap would never have happened! But anyway I was really thrilled with the Judges' comments and through looking at what everyone else had done, I don't think I had done too badly!
Moi with my quilt |
Judges' comments |
There were some very impressive quilts exhibited and here are a few that really caught my eye.
Chocolat et Créme in situ.
The theme was "Kaleidoscope" beautifully depicted in these three all of which won a ribbon.
This one was similar to mine. There were little flowers embroidered which made it very interesting as well as the border detail.
Here is a close up of some detail in the quilt |
Beautiful applique |
An old singer with a beautiful piece of lace appliqued under the needle. Can you see the tiny bit of thread hanging loose from the needle!
Lots of different faces appliqued. |
This quilt won a "first" in it's category.
A ribbon in this category which unfortunately I can't remember but the colours were magnificient.
This "game reserve" quilt was expertly appliqued with the elephant in the foreground and various animals and birds hidden in the foliage. Can you see the leopard lying on a branch just above center?
This was a scene looking through a window with a door and handle to the left. In the front on the window ledge were a few items appliqued with a little cloth hanging over the edge.
This cute little quilt depicted a dolls house with the front of the building on one side and on the back was appliqued the various rooms in the house. The detail was incredible.

Can you see the little spider and spider web at the top of the first and third rooms?
The gradations of colour shading in this quilt with it's various ribbons was really expertly done!
The Coetzee family in the Anglo-Boer War |
Oh my word! This quilt was definitely something special. It measured 6.38m by 3.34m and was completed in 3 months. The 15 "windows" once completed were sent to people who had the necessary equipment required to join the blocks together and quilt them. It has been donated to the War Museum in Bloemfontein as part of the Centenary celebrations of the "Vrouemonument". (Monument to the women).
This quilt won 2nd in the WORLD in Paducha, USA and was on display. Excuisite does not adequately describe this needle-turned appliqued quilt. Some of my USA followers may have seen this quilt before.
Hand appliqued quilt winning 2 ribbons.
Orange Peel pattern - here again the colouring was beautifully done.
Best on Show - hand appliqued. |
There were many classes given by experienced local and overseas teachers during the course of the week, but unfortunately one day did not allow me to take part in any of them. Perhaps next time, but I did make use of the Vendor's Hall!
I enjoyed sharing part of this lovely exhibition with you. Thank you for visiting. Please call back again soon as I will be showing a cute little baby quilt that I have made and a tutorial as well.